Casting Assistant



So I’ll start by asking you to state your job title, the industry that you work in and how long it’s been since you’ve graduated from college.


I work in the entertainment industry as a casting assistant. And I, man, this is when the math comes in. This is why I work in entertainment. Um, I graduated in 2016. So it’s been four years. 

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Communications and Professional Development Manager

Arts, Government & Military

Communications and Professional Development Manager Smithsonian

SPEAKER:             Would you please state your job title, where you currently work, and how long it’s been since you graduated college?

SPEAKER:             Oh that’s a lot of math! My current job title is communications and professional development manager at Smithsonian affiliations. Been there for 10 years, and I graduated in 2001, so that’s what, 17 years since college [laughter]?

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Curatorial Assistant

Arts, Government & Military, Non-profit

Would you please state your job title and where you currently work?

I’m curatorial associate in the curatorial division of the National Gallery of Art.

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Commercial Director


Commercial Director

Q: Okay. Would you please state your job title, where you currently work, and how long it’s been since you graduated from college?

A: I am a director of commercials and short films and documentaries, and writer of them occasionally, I am a freelancer, so I work for various different production companies, and it’s been eight years since I graduated college.

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Illustrator, Self-employed

Date of Interview: April 12th, 2017


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